Mathilde's Birthday

As I mentioned on the previous post, yesterday was Mathilde's 18th birthday. Marine made a beautiful chocolate cake. The m&m like chocolates used to make the "18" are Smarties candies. Marine warned that these smarties had expired over a year the Smarties were purely for decoration purposes. 
Ma belle Mathilde
She got a guitar and a bean bag chair! 
My present for Mathilde! She adores the Olympique Lyonnais, the football (soccer) team of Lyon. I was super excited when I stumbled upon this scarf at the Adidas store on the Champs-Elysées. In addition, she received tickets to go to a match later this year! 
The Gang
(The matching shirts weren't planned. I promise it was coincidence!)
However, the matching shirts were planned for this photo.

The Roure Family 
I've mentioned this in earlier posts, but I'll repeat myself anyway. :) In the US I am a Girl Scout and here I am a Scout Guide de France. The organization, Scout Guides de France, is pretty different than Girl Scouts. First of all, Scout Guide de France is for both boys and girls and is mostly focused on traditional style camping. Also, scouting is religious (Christian) and so a lot of the activities are religious based. As you can see, the uniforms vary too. I'm sporting my Girl Scout vest over my Scout Guide chemise. My entire host family is involved in Scouting here-- including my parents who are leaders of different teams of Châtellerault. This photo was taken after mass on Sunday. Some of the Scouts had organized and played the music for this mass.  

I, however, did not play any music for this mass. I was at a soirée at a friends house the night before and wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of getting up early on Sunday morning to rehearse the music. The petite soirée was in celebration of finishing the Bac Blanc. (I'm still bitter because I wish that I could've added photos of the night. I dropped my camera and all of the memory erased! Oh well.) In any case, it was so nice to finally be done with the week! In my opinion, 22 hours of midterm finals is more than plenty for one week. I can't even imagine how stressful this the Bac Blanc was for my peers (...and how stressful the real Bac will be in July!) While I do genuinely try at Lycée, school isn't a big stress for me. Everyone takes their studies very seriously here. Just being around a bunch of stress out teenagers for the past week made me feel exhausted. In short, I need this past weekend to just unwind and relax. 
Now, it's Monday and I will need to find the motivation to continue this school week. I can't wait for weekend. 

Also, this past Saturday (the 9th) marked 6 months since I first arrived in Châtellerault. I'm becoming a broken record, but it's difficult to imagine that 6 months have already flown by! I can't wait to make the best of my last 4 months here. :)

Enjoy some of this French songs! 
They were popular a while ago, but you might as well check them out and brush up on your French. 

"Juste un instant" avec M. Pokora 

"Problèmes d'adultes" avec Sexion d'assaut

"Envole moi" avec M. Pokora et Tal


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