Mon premier match du handball!

Yesterday, I played in my first handball match! 
Overall, it went pretty well. Besides the fact that I had no idea what I was doing, I had a great time. During the game everyone kept shouting different directions at me. I felt like the confused girl who kicks the ball in the wrong direction during at every four year old's soccer game. So this and being graced as the least coordinated person on the planet meant I didn't contribute too much to the game. I play for Équipe 3, (the beginners/community team) so it's not too competitive. All of us just play for fun.
 #18- that's me! I was positioned as both "ailier droit" (I believe the term for this position is "right winger" in English, but I'm not exactly sure) and "arrière droit"(right back(court) in English). To learn some handball basics, you can check out this link: What the hell is handball?
In action :D
At one point during the game, (when our team was defending the goal) I wasn't super focused. You're supposed to call out the number on the jersey of the person who you're defending. I kept calling out "Treize!" (13 en français), but the woman in front of me was wearing a jersey #6. I had been occupied by other thoughts that I hadn't realized that the #13 had been switched out...Whoops! 
Me, Shaolin, Olof, and Pili after the game
Normally, Olof plays with Équipe 2. She plays for the more advanced team as she had some experience playing handball in Iceland. 
We all look a tired in this photo, but happy. However, the game wasn't too rough because we won 26-18...Pas mal :) 


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