La Belle Ville: Châtellerault

Across the street from my house

 View looking down the center of Châtellerault
 One of many beautiful churches in Châtellerault
 Qu'est-ce que c'est? I later found out it's a fire hydrant!!!
 La Vienne
It passes through Châtellerault

 Looking down at the river. I caught my shadow accidentally, but I kinda like the photo. Also, that's not a weird tumor growing on my hip. It's my bag.  
 My Bensimon shoes. Now, I'm officially European! 
The side of the bridge spanning the river. It marks the water level. 
 Moi! It was little bright outside...

 Some magazines I saw walking along the street. The title is "Obama, Quel Bilan?" I don't necessary agree with the article, but I thought it was interesting that people here care about American politics. 
 I don't have a good reason for liking this photo. Just an example of a street sign, I guess. 
 My street! 
 Some french etchings on the side of building.
"Don't Panik Tape"??? I don't know if I'm missing some key information...
 My house
 The entrance
My room! It's a lot larger than this, but this is literally the only interesting part. 


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