I had a long weekend off from school. Over the break, I went Paris with a friend, Pili (from Argentina). We stayed with Pili's friend, Cami, who is also an exchange student with AFS. Cami is from the same city as Pili in Argentina. It was great spending two days in Paris with these girls.
L'Arc de Triomphe
Le 8 Mai (Le jour de la victoire en Europe= Victory Day in Europe)
Champs Elysées
We missed the ceremony earlier that morning. However, there were still French flags lining the avenue.
Cami et Pili
At Häagen-Dazs
Pili et Cami
Spéculoos flavored ice cream?! ...Yum!
There was no shortage of advertising..
Ran into a bunch of super models. I'm not sure if why there were there, but it seemed important so I took a photo. :)
Waited in line to enter the only Abercrombie & Fitch in France. Normally there is at least an hour wait to get in. It's not like I've never been in an Abercrombie & Fitch in my life, but I was curious to see what all of the fuss about the Abercrombie & Fitch on the Champs Elysées was about. We got lucky and only had to wait in line for only 5 minutes.
The store is hidden behind the hedges. To build up the mystery they've made this path leading to the entrance of the store. You can smell the perfume of Abercrombie before you even enter the store.
The entrance of the store. It was technically banned to take photos (so weird!), but I still took some anyway.
This is just a portion of the store. There are 5 stories. Along the walls are murals of overly muscular naked men. They murals are made to look like at a museum. They're are doing really preppy activities like polo, wrestling, rugby, etc. On the upper level in the picture, you can see that men are rowing.
All of the clothing is kept in glass cases. You're theoretically supposed to ask a person before you touch the clothing. It's like a high end Parisian boutique.
A model selling Abercrombie scents. All of the boy and girl models wore the same outfit. It was really strange. The weirdest part was that a regular t-shirt cost 50 euros...so about 65 dollars!
Brian is in the Kitchen!
(I think that I've taken a picture of this exact advertisement before, but I can't remember so I'm posting it anyway.)
"Where is Brian?"
This is a famous comedy sketch by Gad Elmaleh. It makes fun of English classes at school.
Les Galaries Lafayette
Recently, a law supporting gay marriage was passed in France. The sign says "Ensemble, sans être parfait, seulement nous mêmes" = Together, although not perfect, (we are) only ourselves
We stayed at Cami's host sister's apartment. The apartment was right in the center of Paris, next to the Centre Pompidou.
The Eiffel Tower in the spring!
You can see the reflection of the Eiffel Tower in her sun glasses!
Pili et moi
Schtroumpf blue icecream!?
"Schtroumpf"= Smurf
There were two old ladies taking a walk in the park. They were just so adorable together!
I just had to add this photo. I just love the two old women in the background!
We there two rabbits who were dressed up with bow ties near the Eiffel Tower
When I came back from my trip, Louis showed me a t-shirt that he bought.
Minnesota Ranch! I love it :)
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