Leaving home, Coming home

After 10 hours of sitting on a plane, I finally made it to Minnesota! 

Finally reunited after one year! 

We're crying, but I couldn't help it when I saw my parents for the first time after 10 months. It was one of the most wonderful moments of my life. To finally hug someone that you've seen on Skype for the past 10 months is one the most unreal feelings. You can't even believe that it's the real person in front of you. While I was in France, time went by so fast. However, the moment I was with my parents I realized that an entire year had gone by. It was only then that I realized that I had been gone for that long. 
I am truly content being home, however I do have to admit that I really do miss France already. Since I've been home I've been noticing things that I never noticed before living in France. For example, the fact that they are American flags EVERYWHERE! For those back in the US, take a minute just to look around while you're on the highway. You'll see exactly what I mean. Also, another thing I noticed is that EVERYTHING is bigger in America. The houses, the streets, the stores, the drinks, the plates, the silverware, (and even, yes, the people) are bigger! There is some truth to the stereotype that everything's bigger in America. This being said, it's not necessarily better or worse than France, it's just different. (Sorry that's an AFS cliché, but it's true!) 
Saying goodbye to France: my friends and my family, was one of the hardest things that I've had to do in my life. I miss my life in France so much. It's hard to finally believe it's over. :( On the bright side though, I get to enjoy the rest of my summer back at my home in the US. 
This will probably be the last post on my blog. However, you never know. I just might pick it back up one day. I have a feeling that another French adventure awaits...
In meantime, thanks for taking this journey with me. This has been the most incredible year of my life and I hope that I did good job showing you just that through this blog. 


I thought I'd add this photo. Some friends came over to my house just before I left to say goodbye. I miss these girls so much! 


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